
Friday, May 6, 2011

Reminder: No Link Party


Just wanted to send a quick note reminding everyone that there will be no more link parties on Katie's Cucina for the time being. If you read my extremely long post about the recap of the Food Blog Forum Seminar last Thursday, you will know that I've decided to take my blog in a different direction!

"I still can't stop thinking about the Food Blog Forum Seminar. I learned so much that weekend and it still has me up late at night, thinking about ways I can improve and reach my personal goals. With that being said I've decided to go back to basics with my blog. No more link parties, no more giveaways, no more fluff. I want recipes and foodie travel experiences and an occasional product review. 

I want to write on my terms, and I want to start writing for others. I want to truly turn Katie's Cucina into a brand. Of course, I can't do any of this without you, the reader. 

You will start seeing some changes on my blog in the coming months. One big change will be my photographs. I'm taking more and more time to truly work on my food photography and styling skills. I just purchased a copy of Helen Dujardin's brand new book, Plate to Pixel, to help further my learning on food photography and styling. I'm starting to create more "Katie Original" recipes, and have some other plans in the works. "

In the coming weeks, I hope to update the design of my blog, purchase a domain name, and continue working on my food photography and styling skills. Please be patient with me while I transition my blog. Most importantly keep reading; without you, my blog is not successful! I can't wait for everyone to read some of my upcoming recipes! They are not only amazing, but the photographs speak a million words!  Can't wait to share.

Happy Cooking, 


1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Speaking of the awesomeness that is/are your recipes, I would LOVE it if you'd come link some up to my recipe contest/linky PLEASE!

